
About Us

Our Story

2002- 2003
The Idea

Catering idea was born due to the lack of an in-flight catering service at the National Airport Ingeniero Fernando Espinosa Gutiérrez, IATA Code:QET and as an adventure, the project was initiated by the marriage of Mrs. Mary  and Mr. Jorge 

November 28 2004
New Airport Inauguration

Inauguration of the New Airport to be renamed Queretaro International Airport.



2004 - 2009
The Idea is Abandoned

The idea of opening Qet Catering was abandoned because there was not enough demand from business jets that required the service, and no FBO's Installed at Queretaro's airport.

May 2010
Qet Catering Born

Qet Catering opens the first Inflight Catering at MMQT.

Our first alliance born with BussinAir FBO several years ater, this FBO change the name into AirBusiness FBO. 

2011 - 2012
Bombardier Flight Test Center

After several months of negotiations, we were able to provide inflight catering to Bombardier Flight Test Center for the Lear Jeat 85 project, this project transported personnel between Wickita, Kansas (USA) and Bombardier's plant in Queretaro.

A Volatile Market

Sales on division Inflight Catering dropped so much that where it was considered closing Qet Catering for the first time, that's when we considered adding an additional division to our brand, which will become Catering on the future.

The COVID-19 Era's

Although business and commercial aviation came to a complete halt, parcels never stopped, and we were fortunate to keep busy and not slow down.

2022 - Present
Qet Catering At Present

Catering has provided services to airlines such as Wammos Air, Tap Air Portugal, has created alliances in the FBOs of Queretaro Airport / MMQT Airport, such as AirBusiness FBO and RedWings FBO,provides Crew Cargo Meals and dry store services.

Also created the Catering division to provide services to more companies outside the airport's industry.